Seakale is a permanent perennial crop.
It needs a rich soil with plenty of organic matter, a pH of 6.5 and an extremely sunny position.
It is normally planted as root cuttings called 'thongs' or as young plants in the spring. Plant them out 12" apart each way. If using thongs, plant the root on its side 2" deep. It can be started from seed but it is not usually successful.
Maintenance is just a matter of keeping free from weeds and well watered.
Leave the plants to grow without cropping for the first year and, if your patience will allow, the second year. This allows the plant to get well established.
At the end of the second year, after the first frosts, dig up the plants and take shoot cuttings. Some of these are used to replant for further plants. The rest are potted up into large pots of peat for forcing. This is done by covering with another large pot to exclude all the light and keeping at a temperature of 50-60F. The new shoots are then harvested in the spring. After forcing these plants are discarded.
Seakale is mainly affected by slugs. (See relevant Pests or Diseases sections)
© copyright 1999, P. A. Owen