Kohl Rabi

Kohl RabiThis little quick growing vegetable of the Brassica family is not used much in this country but it is a versatile vegetable that is easy to grow. Basically it is a cross between a Turnip and a Cabbage that can be used cooked or grated and used raw. It is the swollen globe like stem that is eaten instead of the leaves.

They prefer a well drained fairly rich soil with a pH of 6.5.

Sow in a seedbed, making succession sowings from April onwards by sowing thinly. Transplant in rows 12" apart with 9" between each plant.

Keep the plants weed free and water regularly.

Pull the roots when they get between golf ball and tennis ball size, if left to get too big they will turn woody. It is best to pick as required, as the plants do not store well once dug up. A regularity of sowing is important to keep up a supply during the summer.

Kohl Rabi is a quick maturing crop so is not really affected by many pests or diseases although poor plants can get Clubroot or any of the usual Brassica problems. (See relevant Pests or Diseases sections)

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