
AuberginesAubergines will grow in any well fertilised soil but will need protection. Either grow in a greenhouse or in a deep bed using cloche as protection (See Deep Bed Cloche). Growbags and 10" pots can also be used.

Sowing from seed

Sow the seed at the end of March, thinly onto compost and cover lightly. Keep in a propagator or warm place until germinated. When the seedlings have 2 leaves, transplant into individual 3" pots and keep in a warm, light place. Plant out into the bed or greenhouse during May, spacing the plants 15" - 18" apart.

As the plants get bigger, support them with a cane to prevent them from toppling over and when they reach a height of 6", pinch out the growing tip to encourage more fruiting sideshoots.

Keep well watered, and, if the weather is particularly warm when the flowers appear, spray the plant regularly with water to help the fruit set. As soon as the fruits begin to swell, begin to feed on a weekly basis with a high potash fertiliser. Commercial Tomato fertiliser is suitable.

Harvest as the fruits reach a usable size. Aubergine plants are not normally bothered by pests or diseases, but Aphids, or if the weather is particularly dry, Red Spider Mites may invade. Regular misting of the plant with water will help keep the atmosphere humid and avoid the Red Spider Mites and spraying with soft soap or a commercial insecticide will get rid of the Aphids.

© copyright 1999, P. A. Owen

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