Saddle Grafting

This is a method of grafting used for hybrid Rhododendrons that is carried out in spring (February - March)

Preparation -

The stock should be two - three year old R. ponticum in pots.

Method -

Prepare the rootstock by cutting with sharp secateurs to 1 ½ - 2 inches (2 - 4cm) above the compost. Make a wedge shaped cut into the top.

The scion should be prepared from well-ripend shoots of the previous years growth, about 4 inches (10cm) long and with a fat bud at the top. Cut the base in a 'V' to match the stock.

Push the scion onto the stock to make a tight secure joint with the two faces in good contact with each other. This is important for the graft to succeed.

Wrap and tie raffia or plastic grafting tape around the wound making sure that the scion is held in place firmly. Paint with wound paint if you prefer.

Keep under glass until the scion is growing well.

The Stages in Saddle Grafting

Saddle grafting

© copyright 1999, P. A. Owen

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