Propagation by Plantlets (Runners)

A few species of plants produce miniature plants at the end of flowering stems (Strawberries, Chlorophytum, Saxifrage sarmentosa, Tolmiea) or on mature leaves (Bryophyllum diagremontianum, Asplenium bulbiferum). These plantlets as they are known, can be cut from the main plant and potted on as new plants.

Method -

If roots are present on the plantlet, simply cut it from the parent plant and pot up into a 3 inch (7.5cm) pot of cutting compost.

If there are no roots on the plantlet, position a 3 inch (7.5cm) pot of moist cutting compost next to the parent plant and place the plantlet onto the compost (still attached to the parent). Pin it down to prevent it from moving about by the use of a soft wire hoop. After a few weeks the plantlet will have formed roots and can be cut away from the parent plant.

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