The Baffled Compost Bin

A moderately priced compost bin that is very efficient is the baffled bin. It works so well because of moisture, humidity, and air control. Hot dry wind can dry out any material it comes in direct contact with. The baffles prevent hot dry air from coming in direct contact with the composting materials. As the air is drawn into the bin it swirls around and slowly picks up moisture before being drawn into the interior of the pile where composting is taking place. Having moisture-laden air drawn into the centre of the pile is very beneficial because compost piles dry out from the inside out. The moisture laden air also stimulates many micro-organisms because they can draw their moisture from the air. The baffles provide excellent control of large vermin like rats and mice and if screen is used to cover the openings there is excellent insect control. The baffled bin will compost as efficiently as any high priced system and is very attractive if built with quality materials.

Construct five baffled panels for your bin. This will give you four sides and a top. A top is very important on a baffled bin to moderate the air flow. Construction is similar to the pallet bin. In fact, pallets can be turned into baffled panels by nailing boards and spacers onto them.

For ease in turning the pile or getting at the finished compost, have one side open out or detach. The top panel can either be hinged so it can be raised or just rest on the top edges of the four sides.

© copyright 1999, P. A. Owen

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