These articles were originally published on the web on however that website is defunct at February 2017. The copyright is with the original owners of and the article is reproduced here as it is informative.
This is one of the hardest jobs of them all sorting out the seed from the chaff most seed has a black or brown stripe on it and you can see these however so does some of the chaff if you are not sure keep it dont throw it away it could be a first class flower at the end of the day. If it is not seed then you have not lost anything.Through time you get used to what is seed and what is chaff.
Chrysanthemum seed is sown just like any other seed different people have different ways of doing this I will explain the way I do it though I have no doubt some people will disagree. I use Vitax Multipurpose Compost I water the compost the day before I sow the seed and place it on the propagation bench overnight to take the chill of it the bench is set at 65 degrees. The next day I make a channel with a peace of split cane then I sow the seed direct into the channel the seed is not covered it is sown on the surface the tray is then placed on the propagation bench and covered with another seed tray and a piece of paper placed over the top to stop the heat escaping.You may ask why dont you use glass the reason is that using glass has caused the seed to damp off with the seed tray method I have never had any seed damp off. Dont worry if all the seed does not germinate at once some seed can take up to six weeks do germinate.
The seedlings are potted up like any other seedlings dont use to strong a compost I use GROWMAN MULTI PURPOSE with 10 per cent kettering loam.Dont overwater at this stage you dont want to lose any when you have come this far.
When the plants have made enough root they should be potted on like any plant. The seedlings are not stopped they are left to flower on the break bud
There are two ways to grow your seedlings you can either plant them direct into the land, or you can grow them in three litre pots I use the latter. The plants are treated the same way that you would treat any other chrysanthemum in a pot if the plant breaks I would wait till the breaks were large enough then take one off however if I was growing in the land I would leave two breaks on at the end of the day you are only wanting to see what the flower is.
Everyone thinks that there seedlings are world beaters you cant be farther from the truth there is a saying you HAVE TO BE HARD TO BE KIND and this is right with seedlings only keep the best dicard the rest. Well good look I hope you get a winner.