The well known group which are seen rambling far and wide over garages and garden sheds. All have small flowers in profusion during the late spring period No pruning is required to encourage flowering. Prune to keep within limits after late July. I believe that this group are not good at withstanding temperatures much below our normal winter range.
ALEXANDER creamy white and scented can takes years to settle down to flower.
BROUGHTON STAR light pink semi double bronze foliage
ELIZABETH soft pink scented
FREDA deep cherry pink with paler centre handsome deep red bronzed new foliage does not seem to be as vigorous as most
GRANDIFLORA full white flowers unfortunately no scent
JENNY KEAY best described as a semi double white, the plant seems to be much less vigorous than most varieties.
MARGARET JONES small semi double white flowers
MARJORIE semi double salmon pink best in full sun wait until the flowers are fully open before throwing it away as a mistake!
MAYLEEN large deep pink bronzed foliage good scent
PICTONS VARIETY satin pink lovely colour not as vigorous as some
PINK PERFECTION slightly deeper than mid pink vigorous
PLENIFLORA another semi double white but with the usual vigour
TETRAROSE rose with touch of mauve attractive well cut leaf
VERA vigorous with large leaves clear pink with good scent
WARWICK ROSE possibly the darkest pink bred to date as is often the case with the pinks the foliage is also has a reddish tinge.
WILSONII not the late flowering form but has typical small white flowers with heady heavy scent
The following plants are not montanas but are very similar in appearance and growth as to be listed together.
CHRYSOCOMA HYBRID shell pink flowers with boss of yellow stamens attractive bronzed foliage not too vigorous requires sun
CHRYSOCOMA SERICEA full white flowers similar to grandiflora but slightly laterĀ
x VEDRARIENSIS HIGHDOWN vigorous when established rosy mauve flower full with well formed centre.
This article was originally published on the web at (Malcolm Oviatt-Ham, Cambridge), however that website is defunct at 2014. The copyright is with Malcolm Oviatt-Ham.